Friday, March 3, 2017


最近媒体连续报道温哥华地震,令人们对大温地区的安全造成恐慌。温哥华处于地震带上(Pacific Ring of Fire)。温哥华地区的地震一直都有,小的地震更是不断。只不过当时的媒体不像今天这么发达。我们看温哥华地区较大地震的历史纪录:

British Columbia has a history as Canada's hub of seismic activity, with fully half of the country's top 10 temblors taking place in that province.
Here are the five most significant earthquakes to hit the area:


An earthquake of magnitude 6 or higher is considered major. The largest earthquakes in history have been of about magnitude 9. (CBC)
When a quake believed to have a magnitude of nine rolled through B.C.'s Cascadia Subduction Zone, the technology didn't exist to document it thoroughly.
But the tsunami generated by the temblor was chronicled in Japan, placing the exact date on Jan. 26.
First Nations folklore suggests the tsunami destroyed an entire village on Vancouver Island's Pachena Bay, leaving no survivors.(没有人生还)

1946 - 7.3 magnitude

Chaos reigned on Vancouver Island when a 7.3-magnitude earthquake struck on Jun. 23, killing two people.(死2人)
There were reports of extensive property damage as chimneys toppled and building facades crumbled. The quake also triggered landslides across the central part of the island.

1949 - 8.1 magnitude

On Aug. 22, Canada registered its largest earthquake since Confederation when a magnitude 8.1 tremor struck along the Queen Charlotte Fault (Canada's closest equivalent to the infamous San Andreas Fault in California).
Although the quake was felt as far north as the Yukon, the sparse population of the affected area meant there were no casualties.(没有伤亡)

1970 - 7.4 magnitude

The Queen Charlotte Fault struck again on Jun. 24, causing a magnitude 7.4 quake to hit the offshore Haida Gwaii region. Once again there were no fatalities.(没有伤亡)

2012 - 7.7 magnitude

When a 7.7-magnitude temblor rolled through the Haida Gwaii region on Oct. 27, it was felt across most of north-central B.C. including Prince Rupert and Quesnel. The earthquake triggered tsunami warnings and serious social media chatter, but resulted in little property damage and no known fatalities.(没有伤亡)

British Columbia has a history as Canada's hub of seismic activity, with fully half of the country's top 10 temblors taking place in that province. Here are the five most significant earthquakes to hit the area:

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