Tuesday, March 5, 2019

14 RAREST Cat Breeds In The World!

6 Cats Who Think They Are Dogs

There has always been a clear division between Cat People and Dog Lovers. Cats and dogs are classically opposites and natural enemies. While dogs are social and eager to please, cats are seen as aloof and overtly independent. For better or worse, the two make very different pets and it’s natural that some people would be drawn more to one than the other. However, there are some cat breeds that defy all stereotypes and frequently make their owners ask, “What do you think you are? A dog?”
Certain cat breeds act more canine than feline with traits like: socialness, increased need for affection, an affinity for water, playing fetch, greeting their owners, and even learning basic dog-like commands… All things that most cats just don’t seem to have the time for! Here are six cat breeds that tend to act more like dogs.

Turkish Angora

Immediately recognized for their luxurious white coat, these furry beasts crave more attention than your average house cat. The Turkish Agora is a fun-loving cat that thrives on playing games, like fetch. This breed is known to be friendly even to strangers, although they are fiercely loyal to their owners. They love swimming and need frequent social activity to stay happy.

Sunday, October 7, 2018




Tuesday, July 3, 2018


Image result for 螃蟹
螃蟹是一种免疫力极强的食腐动物,吃的东西细菌病毒很多,但都被螃蟹的免疫力所压制,一旦螃蟹死了,甚至还没死,只是快死了,细菌病毒就会大量繁殖,并滋生出一些生物毒素。因为螃蟹喜食动物尸体等腐烂性物质,故其胃肠中常带致病细菌和有毒物质,一旦死后,这些病菌大量繁殖;另外,螃蟹体内还含有较多的组氨酸, 组氨酸易分解,可在脱羧酶的作用下产生组胺和类组氨物质,尤其是当蟹死后,组氨酸分解更迅速,随着蟹死的时间越长,体内积累的组氨越多,而当组氨积蓄到一定数量时即会造成中毒。所有你只要看到螃蟹半死不活,没精神,就最好别吃了。

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Points of interest in Tofino and Ucluelet

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Here is a list of most of the beaches, hiking trails, and other points of interest in the Tofino, Ucluelet and Pacific Rim National Park area including some islands in Clayoquot Sound